
What We Do


We have a mission of strengthening the economic base of women and youth by removing any economic or social constraints through;

  • Sensitization and advocacy programmes on Peaceful coexistence, Child labour and drug abuse.
  • Planning and execution of literacy programmes for women and school dropout girls
  • Entrepreneurial/Vocational trainings for women, youth and the vulnerable.
  • Advocate on climate change affecting the livelihood of the women and youth.
  • Advocacy and sensitization on Water, Sanitation and Health (WASH) Programs.
  1. The organization has intervened by implementing so many programs like skills development programmes, sensitizing women and youth on the need to rise to their economic responsibility at different levels, develop the skills of women engaged in economic activities for more output. Also, the organisation give grants /assistance to  physically challenged women to enhance their economic development capacity.
  2. Giant strides through programmes with TYDF: WEEI got a grant under TYDF 2013/2014 grants under Income Generation and particularly training twenty youth in Wukari LGA in different hand crafts.

1. The organization has intervened by implementing so many programs like skills development programmes, sensitizing women and youth on peaceful coexistence and the need to rise to their economic responsibility at different levels, develop the skills of women engaged in economic activities for more output. Also, the organisation gave grants /assistance to physically challenged women to enhance their economic development capacity.

          (A) Giant strides through programmes with TYDanjuma Foundation: WEEI got a grant from TYDF 2013/2014 grants under Income Generation and particularly training twenty youth in Wukari LGA of Taraba State in different hand crafts.

 Our sensitization programs have been making women and youth conscious of the needs to be productive and thus reducing over dependency on the government.

2.  Advocacy carried out on Water Sanitation and Hygiene in Secondary Schools to make the girl child safe.

3.  And as a value change of activities the vocational training provided have made the former idle women and youth to be actively involved in economic activities. the various training on crafts like bead making, Ankara bags making, detergent production and similarly other have been putting  food on the tables of youth  who were idle before the training programs. We have so far trained 150 women and youth and as they graduate, others are being enrolled especially the displaced person due to the insurgency crisis in our northeast region because Taraba is a little safer as at now in the northeast. In 2015/2016, WEEI trained 76 widows in production and processing of Moringa oil and tea. Industrial Training students from Colleges of Agric and Education have been accommodated to receive entrepreneurial and skills development in different areas since 2014.

4. Trainings on marketing/financial skills have given the women and youth a wave of direction on marketing their products and how to access bank loans and credits with ease.

Trainees  from our training programs especially that of TYDF/WEEI skills acquisition programes are now computing favourably in their chosen craft and businesses. Our products; bead products and Ankara bags, Moringa product have been accepted globally. Our staffs have grown to status of training women in a worldwide program.

The most strategic of all is our strategic partnership with the federal government on unemployment reduction through its Sure P Graduate Internship Scheme (GIS) presently eight graduates have been engaged in our office and the resultant impact is rewarding.

Finance and training equipment has been our major debilitating constraints. This is because a lot of grounds are yet to be covered because of financial limitations. Hiring of equipment and payment of resources personnel for programmes is hinged on finance. Our facilities are limited compared to the numbers of women/youth who wants to be trained in order to make a maximum impact in the society.

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